Tokenism in Youth Activism: Are Young Voices Really Being Heard? EDYN Features Members

Published February 6, 2025

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Tokenism in Youth Activism: Are Young Voices Really Being Heard??

Written by  Pejo Bosnić
Member of EDYN Croatia
Young economist and consultant
Co-founder of Verdia and EASTok
Sustainability advocate
European Climate Pact Ambassador

In today’s world, youth activism has become a crucial component of political and social discourse. Young people often have the opportunity to participate in various political forums, conventions, and discussions on issues that affect their lives and futures. However, despite high expectations, the question remains: are these voices truly being heard, or are they merely symbolic representatives without real decision-making power? This phenomenon, known as tokenism, is increasingly prevalent and presents challenges for young people who must not only fight for their place in the conversation but also for real change in their communities.

Through my experiences participating in several regional and international gatherings, as well as significant political and economic events, I have been exposed to situations that have taught me about the dynamics of tokenism. Although young people are often invited to voice their opinions, we frequently find ourselves confronted with pre-decided outcomes. At these events, my comments were often shaped more through the lens of symbolic presence rather than genuine engagement in policy development. Such practices can lead to frustration among youth, who are capable and willing to contribute but are often not provided with real opportunities to do so.

One of the essential points in the fight against tokenism is the awareness among young people of their own values, strengths, and knowledge that they bring to the table. To successfully counteract tokenism, youth must recognize the power of their voice and the importance of their perspectives. Education emerges as a fundamental tool in this struggle. It not only empowers individuals but also equips them with the skills necessary to identify and critically analyze instances where they may become victims of tokenism.

Investing in lifelong and formal education thus becomes imperative. This process not only facilitates the acquisition of knowledge but also fosters the development of essential skills for effectively representing one’s interests. Furthermore, young people must be encouraged to actively seek participation in decision-making processes, pose challenging questions, and firmly stand behind their beliefs, even when faced with potential pressures to compromise their positions.

Ultimately, youth activism needs to transcend the boundaries of symbolic representation. Younger generations must seize every opportunity to engage in discussions, advocate for change actively, and become authentic representatives of their communities. In doing so, they will ensure that their contributions are recognized and valued, creating space for genuine and meaningful changes.

In this context, it is vital to create and promote platforms that empower young people to take a more active role in political decision-making. Through collaboration with organizations, institutions, and other youth, strategies can be developed that promote genuine participation, empowering young individuals to become key actors in shaping their future.

By strengthening youth through education and engagement, we can collectively work to overcome the phenomenon of tokenism and ensure that young voices are not only present but also influential in shaping the social and political discourses of the future.

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